[.:remember the future:.]
[hiv][older][about me][profile][d.land]
2002-12-20 //_ 8:47 p.m.

well today was kinda hectik... i asked out this girl i really like and she said yes... i guess thats the reason im so happy and excited... she's a senior *OoOoOh!* and she actually thinks im cute!.@2 wippie! i cant wait till we start getting serious.. but see thats part of the reason why i was hesitent to ask her out - i dont want to rush things and i dont want to become enveloped in her and then she turns around and dumps me... i've had my share of bad experiences and im tired of shit being thrown at me. another plus i guess you can say is that she recently inherited 75 million dollars, now now now... i know you're thinking "hey! you greedy bitch!" but really, that is NOT the reason i asked her out... i really want this relationship to last - not blow over in my face. i guess we also are planning a lot of things, infact she wants to give me a manicure (shut the hell up ;D) and pierce my ear for me. i've wanted to do that for a while but im such a whimp. but hahah, i know it sounds pathetic but we were actually planning our wedding! we were just playin around but if we did, it would be fantastic! everything black and red... oooooh *melts* heheh.

so far my life is going good. only downfall is my music... i still haven't found any band members that want to be serious to start, but im not complaining right now.

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