[.:remember the future:.]
[hiv][older][about me][profile][d.land]
1.3.03 (3)
2003-01-03 //_ 9:22 p.m.

the days just pass by... no warning... only to inform those less individuals that a storm is arising...

no more sun...

no more rain...

only the persisting thoughs of depression that give themselves away like the flimsy prostitute that is nationalism...

the water temperature will rise...

the sky will fill with black darts - filled with the poison that is the antidote for all the lies...

awaken to the mental alchemy that is the truth, what they taught you were all lies... no more will you have to suffer to their endless bregade...

the time has come shadow soldiers...

open your mind, not your mouth...

use your fist, not your mouth...

use your heart, not your eyes...

...let the flesh instruct the mind...

« before ⎨&⎬ after »
