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Pick Up Your Coat
06.22.03 //_ 11:51 PM

Why do people judge upon looks and appearances? Is it the backdraft of our very humanity -- the only thing we can't control consciencely? Whether you claim you judge or not, everyone takes first impressions seriously and what you look like will change everything.

If you're walking in a store, and you see the magazine you've been looking for and there's only two copies left:

A ripped one with dirt smeared all over it and torn pages here-and-there.

And one that is neatly wrapped in a plastic cover.

Which one would you buy?

And don't give me that bullshit.. "But magazines aren't people.. it's different."

But it's not different. This happens all the time in society today. If you're walking down the street -- do you go up to homeless people who look pretty dirty and hungry and ask for their phone number so you can hook up? No. You go for the "hot" people.. people who are neatly up-held.. etc..

The same is applied to people that you don't like. If you're racist, homophobic, prejudice.. et cetera..

I personally don't understand why society has to be so image-appealing and all-for-the-looks based. It's actually sickening, cause some people who may not be visually appealing (basically, "ugly" people) have great personalities and they're over-looked, while the people who are "hot" tend to get cocky and never tend to have a good personality.

But onto another subject that's been nagging on my mental strings..

Gay marriages.. what's wrong with that? You know what fucking pisses me off though? Is the fact that Gay marriages (or in general, same-sex marriages) are banned and/or illegal in many states. What the fuck is that all about? How did our country embrace discrimination against other people? Seriously, this fucking "law" in some states is infringing on the first ammendment isn't it? Why aren't there any protestors? Why isn't there any repealing on the law? Why is everyone so fucking blinded by prejudice that we have to allow discrimination?

Just because a few fuck-shits have to allow this law into force doesn't mean that it's right. I can't believe that they even considered having people vote on that subject.. it's just the same as having a vote go on that black people shouldn't be allowed in California. Now if THAT were to happen -- people would be outraged.. but why aren't people outraged with the laws against same-sex marriages? .. fucking ignorance.

Well, since I got that off my chest.. I made a diary banner (above) and added it for my diary. I hope this isn't illegal .. ? Cause I just altered the other diary, but I'm still giving credit to the site -- so I don't see any reason why it should be.

Well, I'm off to enduldge my mind into the sweet death of reality. ;D Nite.


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