[.:remember the future:.]
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07.25.03 //_ 9:00 AM

[Check the previous entree before reading this one 'cause I just made another entree about 5 minutes ago -- this one is just an extention about some news I just found out. So read the previous one first so you won't get confused.]

Okay, guess what? My father comes back right? So I'm like,

"Where'd you go?"
"The school."
"..wasn't I supposed to go with you?"
"Not lookin' like that you weren't.."

RIGHT at that moment I got so pissed off. I just shut up and ignored him. What the fuck ever. Words cannot express my anger at this moment. I want to fucking KILL him. That offends me so fucking much. Just cause I have fuckin' 3 spikes on my fucking head doesn't mean you have to be a prejudice little bitch and go around acting like you're high and mighty. So, for the rest of the day I'm not speaking to my father or my step mother -- even though she hasn't even commented on it.. she might even like it -- I don't give a fuck though. It's one thing when your step mother doesn't like something but its another when your own parent doesn't understand you NOR does he willingly want to.

So, to this, I say, "FUCK YOU DAD" .. UGH I'm so enraged at this moment. I wanted to go do that today.. but nope -- he's a whore. And you know what? That means I got up 3 hours earlier than I should have for nothing. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? He's such an ignorant bitch. I hate him. I won't take that back either cause my hate fluctuates with him.. it's continually going on though. So what-the-fuck-ever.

The only thing that I'm going to ask my dad is if we can go to Blockbuster. If he tells me no unless I get my hair "right" then fuck that. I'm not going to surrender my individuality simply cause one person has a fuckin' problem with it. Cause through life you'll come across many people who oppose you for your looks, actions, personality [etc..] but its the ones that accept you that will make it all worth while. I'm sure the kids at the school will accept me and think my hairs cool. My father is just an old man who wont change his views on things for no one -- which is a pretty ignorant thing to do. Narrow-mindedness does not fit my appeal list.

So, I think I'm going to ask my dad now about the Blockbuster thing. I'll be right back..

Okay.. I just asked him and he's fine with going to Blockbuster simply cause he has other errands he has to do. I don't see the fuckin problem with my hair and not taking me to the school thing if he allows me to go with him on errands.. it's the same thing.. and since fuckin' WHEN did looks matter? Since WHEN did looks decide how people treat you and how you're thought about by others.. I say if they have the odassity to assume shit then they're not worth it. Don't waste your time focusing on the negatives of life cause you'll be down your whole life.. just try to keep your head up and stay optimistic.. Well, I'm trying hard.. I'm trying real hard.

Right now I'm listening to Mandalay. Thank god that they existed. I love Mandalay so much, I hope Nicola does a solo project or something.. a voice that great cannot be wasted..

Anyway, I'm still very pissed off.. So there. Just thought I'd type this out cause I'm so frustrated right now.. AHH!! ::breaks something::


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