[.:remember the future:.]
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Feeling Secondary
September 01, 2003 //_ 7:24 PM

There was a deer in my backyard while I was writing out some poetry. It jolted off in a few seconds after it caught onto my presence, kinda like the reaction I get when I sit next to people in a crowded room. Surprise! You were right all along!

Yeah, I ventured outside into my backyard and started writing some poems. I ended up writing 3, none of which satisfied me. None of my poems ever do. It's like writing for more self-disappointment. If writing is to let off emotions then why does it only invoke more emotions when I'm done?

So you should check out those 3 new poems if you're interested here.

My stomach is starting to churn with the rhythm of of my heart beat. It's not quite pleasing, not one bit.

I have school again tomorrow. How wonderful that I start more classes which will probably end with my computer taken away with failing grades.

Where the fuck is Danny? I was hoping to talk to him before school started so maybe I can start a friendship going and then meet him at school.. *throws that thought into the garbage*

Well.. my life feels about as dull as the tip of a pencil that's been used too much. I'm just waiting for the one person that can make me as sharp as I once was.

Oh, I found the official site of Wade Robson. Wade just looks so .. homosexual (I think everyone can see that resemblance in him..) cause he's just soo clean .. it's eerie! But he's incredibly hot, go see for yourself. :)

Sometimes I wish that my dream guy could just bust through the door and take me away to some imaginary place where nothing matters.. were I can just be alone with him.. share the same intellect and love each other till time dies out.. but now, now.. that'll never happen, will it?

I'm glad you can forget, I'm just hoping as time goes by you'll remember who I was. You can think I'm a safe bet, but I'm betting I'm not.

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