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Sex Stories And Friends
October 9, 2003 //_ 2:48 PM

Well, today was another great day.

Stayed for the GSA meeting with Sara. We had fun making a poster for the club.. it was probably the worst one (sadly) but hey! It was tight! Haha, hot pink works very well�

Ty even talked to me. He told me that he got these magazines from New York and saw an ad for Golfrapp in it and thought of me. I asked for him to cut one out for me but I doubt he�ll remember. If I see him again I�ll try to remind him.. I would so love to have one of those! That�d be so cool. He was so cute today, Ty that is. He always is.

And there was this Scottish guy that came to the meeting (from another school I think) and OH MY GOD!! His accent was SO hot!! I was like shaking and obsessing over his voice and accent. Just ask Sara!

Then afterwards, Sara and I met up with Nik, Jamie and Katie and we all talked and goofed off. Jamie and I made up a dance.. �quivering� is what we�re calling it. It�s so funny. HAUAHAHHAA. Oh, if only I had a video camera.. I would so show you all. It�s just basically us taking steps then shaking obliviously like we�re having seizures. It�s so fucking funny.

And I asked Daniel if he wrote me back and he said he didn�t cause today hasn�t been a good day for him. =( But he said he�d write me a note tonight. =) Yay for that. Hehe. I guess Katie also told him about my turn on.. lower back massages.. Hehe.

Okay, so back to after school and the GSA meeting.. I was a little mad at Nik cause guess what he said when I suggested that he come with us to the meeting?

�Oh, I don�t think I can, If I went I�d just end up laughing the whole class time.�

What? The? Fuck? I don�t know, Nik knows I�m gay and is fine with that (everyone makes jokes about me being gay around Nik and stuff � especially now since I write those sex stories) and he doesn�t have a problem with it but that comment made me mad. It made Sara mad too. He�s really stupid sometimes. He acts like a freshman, but he�s an okay kid, don�t get me wrong.

I also took some more photos with my camera today. =)

Then as everyone was leaving, Sara walked me part way back to my house. We actually talked.. about sexuality mainly. It was a great conversation. We talked about how family (mostly parents) are oblivious to their children�s lives and how they have no clue what we all go through on a day to day basis. It was really nice that she walked me back, good bonding time.

Then as I got home, I didn�t think I could feel any more happier .. but what did I see on my bed?

A package

Of what may you ask? My Goldfrapp prizes!!! I got a photo of Alison Goldfrapp that�s signed that says, �Hello & Love 2 U � Alison XXX� =) Along with the Black Cherry DVD (that features the making of Black Cherry and the Train video) and 1 postcard. I didn�t get any stickers (why? I don�t know why..) =( I thought I was gonna get stickers but I�m happy with what I got! Thanks again to those of you who joined that club for me. Very much appreciated.

I put the Goldfrapp photo in a sleeve to protect it from wear and put it in a frame on top of my record player. The postcard is on one of my speakers and the DVD is pretty cool. Too bad that I already saw what was on it (it�s on their website) but it�s good non-the-less. =) I�m so happy now.

But my internets not working right now, thus why I�m actually typing this in Word. =( I�ll have to try updating tomorrow with this entry. And tomorrow I�m probably gonna be going into town with Sara, Nik and Katie. I hope Jamie can come too cause she�s so awesome.

- .. I don�t know if that symbol will show up but if it does, it�s awesome. It�s the Omega symbol.. moving on..

I think I�m done updating for right now. Ugh, I want my internet! But I guess I�ll be okay.

Hm.. I think my next sex story will take place at a circus/carnival. Featuring� hm� Grant (haha, he can SO easily be pictured as a REALLY pretty drag queen) and probably Nik or something. Nik doesn�t wanna be in one of my stories but he will be just so I can torture him.. bwahaha. O_o

So enough for now. Wait.. Maybe I�ll start typing it up� Hm�

Cheers my deers.

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