[.:remember the future:.]
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Butterfly Caught
March 03, 2004 //_ 10:36 AM

Yay, I'm finally able to update from History once again. Yesterday I had a horrible headache. And until yesterday I never knew what a headache really felt like. It wasn't worth the pill-popping ad's I was promised, I felt sick. I felt like shit this morning as well but I'm doing better. I keep going through heat strokes or something. One minute I'll be feeling fine, then I'll start sweating and feel extremely warm/uncomfortable. I don't know why I feel like that.

I hate making a mess, especially at the worst possible times and places and people.

Man. Gotta go. Take care everyone.

I had a dream I was swimming in a canal, the one outside my house, and I took a huge breath and swam all the way to the bottom. God met me their, with just enough time to grante me one question. I went to the surface to get more air, swam back down and he was gone. I could have waited for him to come back, but that would mean death. Death would mean that my question would be irrelevent. Tricky bastard.

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