[.:remember the future:.]
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08.01.03 //_ 10:47 PM

Got back from the fair that�s held in Nevada city every Friday night.. it was boring as usual cause I didn't know anyone.. but while I was there I registered at the library that was around the block from the fair and I ended up renting "The Vampire Lestat" by Anne Rice. I read the first book of the vampire chronicles and I loved it [IWAV] so I have 3 weeks to read it. Should be fun.. usually I don't read anything in that amount of time.. takes me like a year to finish books like that.. haha.

But while at the fair, there was these 2 guys that I continually would see everywhere I went .. it was weird. They were both very cute.. at one point one of them walked by me and I was looking at him and as he passed by he like glanced back and stared me in the eyes. I got a strange feeling when he did that. It was strange but a good feeling.. ya know?

So anyway, the band that was playing there [Freight Train Riders Of America .. or something like that] where actually really good. I think they were borderline bluegrass but it was cool.

I felt confident while being over there.. I had my hair "did" and it was pretty cool. I wish I could've gotten a picture of it.. Hell I might be able to get a photo of it off my brothers web cam if he'll allow me to. I'm not sure though, I'll ask later tonight.

So after the fair we walked down to get to our car and as I was passing some cars I noticed that one had 2 doggies in it. They were so adorable. And then I noticed that there was a man that was in the car next to it leaning on the car and as soon as I saw him and noticed he was staring at the dogs, I had this sudden bad feeling.. like he was gonna do something bad. I don't know if something was gonna happen or what.. but that was just my gut instinct. After that I just hopped into our car and headed home.

But the two times I've been to the fair here.. I notice the majority of people are "goth" and "punk" people.. and that's great and all but SOME of those people can be complete bitches at times.. cause they let their image rule them. But I'm excited for the school year. I just hope my classes don't have lots of books to take home.. I'm just gonna try to keep my mind focused on my work and be open to new people. I'm sure I'll make some cool friends.. I always do every year.. just turns out that this current year I made the most I ever have.. it was pretty fun.. and all thanks to ME for being accepting. :)

I hope in band I get to pick percussion.. That would be awesome.. for one cause it's easy to play and secondly cause I love drums.. Weee.. I hope I meet some cute guys too. Just wait .. in like 3 weeks I'll be going to school and then there will be a whole NEW dimension of interesting talk from me! Cause right now I'm running on extremely low interesting stuff.. which causes the reader to no longer read my diary.. ;( sad I know.. but it shall pick up once again once school starts! Yay.. I'm so excited. ..I need more shorts..

Hehe, I'm talking to this really cute guy from London on MSN. I met him in a chat on bolt.com. See, it wasn't a complete failure joining there.. hehe. He's "rad" so it's all good.

I drew about 3 more Otep drawings earlier. I think they look awesome. I'm gettin real good at looking at photos on the computer then drawing them out [almost identical] on paper. It's pretty cool. I'll have to see if I can scan some sometime [no, my brother still hasn't looked at it yet.. :( ]

And there are like 3 more fairs that are gonna be held for the rest of this month.. I think on the 2nd to last one I'm gonna invite all my friends to come up and we can chill over there. I really want them to hang out over here. Plus, if I can get Roxy over here I'm sure I can ask her to bring her digi cam and she can take some pics of me and some hot guys down here.. Then she could upload them on my computer or something.. wouldn't that be awesome? I'm sure she'll get some pics on Sunday as well.. so be ready for some more pictures of [horrible] me! ;D

Liam. says:
damn i wish ya were my boyfriend

;O.. don't we all!! Haha, just kidding. That's so cute! Eehehe, I wish I lived in London just so I could hang out with him. Woohoo, but too bad.. I live in the USA.. maybe when I'm 20 I'll go over there, I wanna see some UK concerts anyway.. hehe, it's somethin I'll keep in mind if I continue to keep in touch with him.. :P

Anyway, I think that tomorrow my friend Jeff Q is comin down to Nevada Union for a swim meet. I talked to Angela and Kami to see if they could go with him and then meet me over there but I doubt they will be able to.. it's sad. I think I might go over and see Jeff swim but it'll be awkward.. cause I'll just be there... and .. know only Jeff.. and .. yeah.. I don't know. Meh...

So that's it for right now. I'll update tomorrow. :D


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